Be the part of CodersCoin network!

Would you like to be part of the CodersCoin network? Run a node and become a full-fledged block validator!

Why do I need to apply?

It would be easiest if you could just download the CodersCoin node software and run it, wouldn't it? Yes, but for the sake of the security of the CSC network and the discoverability of the nodes in the peer-to-peer network, there is no such option yet. Below is more on why:


CodersCoin is a relatively new cryptocurrency with only a few users. This means that only a few people run nodes and if a few had bad intentions, they could agree on the wrong blocks, which would put the security of the network at risk in the early days. With the applicant system, we can make sure that only authentic and well-intentioned people run nodes, and if not, we can remove them so that other nodes do not discover them or receive data from them.


Although we could make it so that the nodes send their IP address and port to the CodersCoin node explorer endpoint at the first run, but this could lead to privacy problems. That's why you have to enter them on the application form, so we can add your IP address and port to the node explorer.


With a cryptocurrency like CodersCoin, it is very important to be available at any time. Because it is decentralized, it is almost entirely run by people. The CodersCoin team only operates a cryptographic key verification endpoint (TSK) and wallet. We cannot guarantee the uptime of CodersCoin users. That is why it is important that, at the very beginning of the start of the cryptocurrency, there are nodes running that are able to be online for as long as possible and serve people.